Where's a command staff when you need one?
My wife and I are in the midst of purchasing our new home. Not a "real" home, but rather a one bedroom condo, which is as much as two young professionals making median incomes can afford in the metro DC area. But, it will be ours to fuss over, fix up, and use as a tax break, so to us, it's a home nonetheless.
We close next Wednesday, and move in the following Thursday. Before we move in, we have to have the exterminators in (a requirement of the condo association). We also need to paint and get new carpeting put in. We also need to go in to get our file started with the association, and get our parking passes and entry passes that get us through the electronic gates. We need to finish packing, load up a truck, move, unload, and unpack. Let's not forget cleaning the current apartment so that it is sparkling fresh and new looking...
There are about a thousand things that are left to just the two of us to take care of, and since my wife is new to the country, and has zero clue as to what all needs to be done, a lot of it falls on me to do. Which is fine, since somebody needs to do it I guess. I'd just be a lot happier if I had a company or battalion staff to help out. I could use the casual squad/platoon to do the painting/cleaning/loading/unloading. I could really use a supply sergeant to go get my packing and painting supplies too. An
would be nice to plan some of this crap out and organize it, with a First Sergeant to oversea the casuals and make sure stuff is taken care of, and remind me of when and where my ass is supposed to be. I couldn't even begin to imagine doing this with small children, and all of the time requirements that they have in and of themselves.
I was never an officer, and never had a command staff, but boy I sure do miss the organization that the military had sometimes...