Okay, I'll preface this and let everybody know that it is going to be a petty rant on my part. This "issue" has been irritating me for the past week, and this morning I got pushed over the edge. One of my primary duties in my current position is to instruct a visualization software application. Anybody who knows me (all 3 of you out there who read this), know that this is a little humorous, since I'm not exactly a guy on the cutting edge of technology. Nevertheless, since most of the us...
Well, as of about 3pm this afternoon, my wife is considered a conditional permanent resident of the United States. No more work permits, no more travel documents, much fewer INS headaches. The interview was all of about 10 minutes long, and the guy (Rob Sanders) was a gem to work with. He was polite, nice, and quick with his work, which made the interview easy. Thank goodness it's all done.P>
I am so frustrated, I almost don't know where to begin. My wife and I are waiting for her permanent residency status to come through. We applied for it in early December 2003, and the Citizenship and Immigration Services sent us a receipt telling us they "officially" received the application on 11 December 2003. According to their website, they are currently processing applications for our district that were received in March 2004. So, since ours was received about 3 months before this, w...
Okay, I'm sure I'm going to stir up a storm with this article, but this issue has surfaced several times in my life, and I just can't understand it. Let's discuss a couple of hypothetical situations about abortion, totally gender neutral, by assigning the titles of Parent X and Parent Y (with no relationship given to chromosomes for gender determination). Both of these situations have basic assumptions, which are that the couple are a "traditional" couple (one male, one female), the female...
Well, we gathered up all of the relevant paperwork and information to make our case, and my wife called Sen. Allen's office this morning. His office has a dedicated immigration assistance specialist, who was very nice, and at least tried to be helpful. She informed us that we should have applied for the renewed work permit more than 90 days in advance, and that BCIS normally advises people as such. My wife informed her that a BCIS employee SPECIFICALLY told us that we could not apply early...
Okay, for those that don't know me, here's a personal bit of information: my wife is an immigrant (or LONG term tourist as it were, since she hasn't attained permanent residence status, much less U.S. citizenship yet). We met while I was going to college in Korea, fell in love, waited 2 years for the opportunity to be "co-located" again, at which point I dragged her and all of her shit from Korea to the U.S., got married, and began the Citizenship and Immigration Services (formerly known as...